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Concentration Areas/ Research Lines

Concentration Area

Clinical and Social Processes in Rehabilitation

It is intended to articulate different areas of knowledge in order to affirm the complexity that surrounds the object of this Program. Thus, it is proposed to conduct studies, both in the context of epistemologies tuned to clinical and epidemiological diagnostic investigation, evaluation, treatment and new individual and collective technologies in rehabilitation, as well as other epistemologies related to public policies, training of human resources and sociocultural aspects related to the field of rehabilitation. These aspects are involved in the production of knowledge and training of professionals and researchers interested in health care and in the life situation of people with disabilities, as well as other groups in situations of vulnerability.

Research Lines

Evaluation, diagnosis and therapy in the field of rehabilitation

It includes clinical and epidemiological investigations related to evaluation, diagnosis and therapy processes in different life cycles, health conditions and functionality levels. It is interested in this line research projects aimed at investigating population aspects and processes of rehabilitation of body structures and functions, human communication, as well as their repercussions on functional independence and social participation of the Individual. This line aims to expand knowledge, promote qualified interdisciplinary actions and technological innovations, such as the areas of neurological rehabilitation, health of the elderly, workers' health, among other specific populations or Vulnerable.

Policies, training and social practices in rehabilitation

It is intended for studies focused on strategies and practices in health, education, work and social action, taking into account different technologies and community and territorial approaches. It is interested in this line studies on the situation of people with disabilities and groups in situations of vulnerability, ethnic-racial aspects, age, gender and class, involved in health-disease-care processes, as well as educational and organizational related to lifestyles. They also compose this line, studies on public policies, models of care, organization of services and professional training in health focused on rehabilitation.


Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.